Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses in North Dakota

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Find Relief from Light-Induced Migraines with Avulux Lenses

Migraines can turn your day upside down, making even simple tasks overwhelming. Light sensitivity is a common trigger that’s difficult to avoid. Bright lights, screens, or even a sunny day can leave you struggling to focus and desperate for relief.

Avulux lenses might be the solution you’ve been seeking. These innovative lenses offer a convenient and effective approach to managing light-induced migraines, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

At Professional Eyecare Centers, we’re committed to offering solutions that improve your quality of life—Avulux lenses can be one of them. Visit us today.

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How Is Avulux Different from Other “Migraine” Glasses?

Unlike other migraine glasses, Avulux lenses deliver clinically proven relief with visual clarity. Here’s what sets them apart:

  • Neutral color: Avulux lenses maintain color accuracy, avoiding the distorted pink, yellow, or blue tints seen in other lenses.
  • Personalized options: Available in prescription and non-prescription options, including progressive lenses, to suit your specific vision needs. 

How Avulux Lenses Work: Letting in the “Right” Light

Many everyday light sources—such as digital screens, LED lights, and even sunlight—emit a combination of wavelengths. While blue light often gets attention for disrupting sleep and causing eye strain, amber, red, and blue light can trigger migraines. 

In contrast, green light has a soothing effect. The innovators at Avulux developed lenses that block 97% of harmful blue, amber, and red light while allowing up to 70% of soothing green light to pass through.

Manage Your Migraines & Light Sensitivity: Visit Us Today

If you struggle with headaches, light sensitivity, or migraines, you can invest in a lens solution backed by clinically proven results. 

Migraine and light sensitivity relief starts here. Find out if Avulux lenses are right for you at Professional Eyecare Centers. Visit us today so we can help you manage how light affects your life.

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Our Locations


  • 509 Main Street
  • Edgeley, ND 58433
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  • 105 Main Street
  • Ellendale, ND 58436
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  • 100 1st Ave N
  • Lamoure, ND 58458
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Valley City

  • 200 Central Ave N Ste. F
  • Valley City, ND 58072
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  • 6712 Hwy 200 East
  • Carrington, ND 58421
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  • 210 10th Street SE
  • Jamestown, ND 58401
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